Alzheimer’s takes its name from Alois Alzheimer, who discovered abnormal formations of plaque on nerve endings and tangles of nerve fibers in the brain tissue of individuals who had exhibited symptoms of senile dementia. Research is beginning to uncover multiple factors that may contribute to Alzheimer’s disease, which indicates that the search for a single cause may be unfounded. Possible contributing factors include genetic tendencies, as well as environmental influences and nutritional deficiencies.
NHSC recommendations for Alzheimer’s Disease:
Primary Recommendations:
1. MagFiltered Water System - Water is critical and the body must be well hydrated. We recommend MagFiltered Water. This water has been through these processes:
- Filtration that remove chlorine and all sediments (Chlorine is a significant drying agent).
- Exposure to a strong magnetic field to break down long molecular chains, making the water more bio-available (i.e.: easier to get into and out of the body’s cells, improving detoxification potential).
- Minerals are left in the water for improved alkalinity vs. distilled or reverse osmosis filtered water. A healthy body is slightly alkaline. Disease can establish itself much more easily in an acidic environment.
Recommendation: We, along with most health practitioners, recommend drinking the following amount of water each day: body weight in pounds divided by 2 = the number of ounces for daily consumption. For example, a 160 lb. person should drink 80 oz. of water each day. This can be reduced 10 to 20% when MagFiltered Water is being consumed vs. other forms of water, due to its greater hydration efficiency.
2. Ensure Proper Nutrition: Having these conditions can actually increase your nutritional needs, as your body is fighting to regain health.
- Nutritional supplements can help ensure that your body has the nutrition it needs to accomplish the healing and maintenance processes.
- We offer an exceptional line of nutrition supplements that were developed through collaboration with a gifted herbalist, and are made here in the United States to pharmaceutical standards. They contain the most effective ingredients, from the highest quality sources available, to accomplish their targeted purpose. The simple Muscle Response Test outlined on pgs. 16 & 17 of our catalog will help you to choose the supplement(s) that your body needs most. This test method, which is used by the large majority of Herbalists, Naturopathic Physicians and Acupuncturists, allows you to get objective, measurable feedback from your body as to what it needs to optimize its health.
- If you are in the Tri-Cities area, we can do this testing for you. If you are not, you will find that it is simple to do for your self. No special skills are required; just follow the directions on pgs 16 & 17 of our catalog (or on our website).
3. Exercise: physical exercise has many anit-aging benefits. And if it’s aerobic, it increases blood flow to the brain, delivering added oxygen to help you think more clearly. CardioStride Weighted Shoes are athletic shoes weighing about 2.5 to 3 pounds each. Their primary benefit is that they raise the metabolic level during and following exercise, so that 30 minutes of walking in them has the same calorie burn as walking in regular athletic shoes for 200 minutes. This allows for a much more effective use of time, as well as the improved cardiovascular benefits. They are well made and quite comfortable.
Secondary Recommendations:
Magnetic Necklace - research indicates that a magnetic field allows for increased blood flow and improved sleep.
- Additional benefits:
- Increased strength & energy (10 to 15% usually)
- Better balance (i.e.: stature & stability)
Alternative Medicine, The Definitive Guide, by Burton Goldberg,
Integrative Medicine, by Alan Pressman, D.C., Ph.D., and Donna Shelley, M.D.
Natural Health, Natural Medicine, by Andrew Weil, M.D.
Magnet Therapy, by William Philpott, M.D., and Dwight Kalita, Ph.D.
Alzheimer’s testimonials
“Water can Make or Break Your Health”
The Natural Health Solutions Center’s recommendations are not meant as a substitute for advice from your doctor. If you have a serious or potentially serious health problem, please see a doctor. You may wish to use these suggestions in addition to the treatment prescribed by your doctor; if so, it is best to do so with his or her knowledge.