NHSC recommendations for Arthritis/Sjogrens:
Primary recommendations:
NHS Magnetic/Infra-red Sleep System - consisting of a magnetic mattress pad, a space age foam Magnetic Pillow, and a special Comforter, which has Far Infra-red properties for acid neutralization.
- Research indicates that a magnetic field improves circulation, allowing for improved recovery from discomforts, and better overall body functioning. (This can be confirmed though a simple demonstration outlined on pg.15 of our catalog).
- The far-infrared materials in the sleep system help neutralize acids (i.e.: toxins) within the body to maintain proper pH (slightly alkaline). Acidity in the body can cause discomfort, and can raise the chances for disease to take hold.
- Studies and our experience have shown that people sleep more soundly with this system, and ultimately require less time in bed (usually about ½ hour less).
NHS Ortho-Flex Supplement (w/Cetyl Myristoleate)
- Natural Anti-inflammatory – for joints, soft tissue, & organs
- Joint Lubricant – helps w/ stiffness
- Natural Immune System Modulator – balances immune system to help it distinguish between good cells and bad cells that should be attacked. Body repairs more effectively.
- Relieves discomfort
MagFiltered Water System - Water is critical and the body must be well hydrated. We recommend MagFiltered Water. This water has been through these processes:
- Filtration that remove chlorine and all sediments (Chlorine is a significant drying agent).
- Exposure to a strong magnetic field to break down long molecular chains, making the water more bio-available (i.e.: easier to get into and out of the body’s cells, improving detoxification potential).
- Minerals are left in the water for improved alkalinity vs. distilled or reverse osmosis filtered water. A healthy body is slightly alkaline. Disease can establish itself much more easily in an acidic environment.
Recommendation: We, along with most health practitioners, recommend drinking the following amount of water each day: body weight in pounds divided by 2 = the number of ounces for daily consumption. For example, a 160 lb. person should drink 80 oz. of water each day. This can be reduced 10 to 20% when MagFiltered Water is being consumed vs. other forms of water, due to its greater hydration efficiency.
PowerStride Magnetic Shoes Inserts -- These magnetic shoe inserts are made to stimulate the feet and lower leg. Research and personal experience indicate that they increase circulation. They also significantly increase balance/stability and overall body strength and energy. (Again, these results can be demonstrated with the simple tests outlined on pg. 15 of our catalog, or on our website, www.TheNHScenter.com). The Weintraub study, a 47 hospital, double-blind study centered at the Medical College of New York, has shown the beneficial effects of the magnetic shoe inserts on neuropathic pain (i.e.: neuropathy).
Various Magnetic/Far Infrared Products – Apply them where it hurts. Examples:
- Wrist Hand: Magnetic Bracelet ($150)
- Neck, Upper shoulder: Necklace ($150)
- Back: Kenko Flex Back Pad ($90)
- Knee: Far Infrared Wrap & Super Mini Magnet ($30 & $55)
- Biaxial Magnetic Devices: PalmMag = $249.99, Biaxial Super Mini = $98.00 ]
Arthritis Testimonials
Mattress Research
Cetyl Myristoleate (Primary Ingredient in NHS Joint Cream)
“Water can make or Break your health”
The Natural Health Solutions Center’s recommendations are not meant as a substitute for advice from your doctor. If you have a serious or potentially serious health problem, please see a doctor. You may wish to use these suggestions in addition to the treatment prescribed by your doctor; if so, it is best to do so with his or her knowledge.