Vasculitis is a general term for a group of uncommon diseases that feature inflammation of the blood vessels. Vasculitis occurs when your immune system attacks your own blood vessels by mistake (autoimmune issue). What causes this to happen is not fully known.
Types of Vasculitis
There are many types of vasculitis. Each type involves inflamed blood vessels. However, most types differ in whom they affect and the organs that are involved. Each of the vasculitis diseases is defined by certain patterns of distribution of blood vessel involvement, particular organ involvement and laboratory test abnormalities. As a group, these diseases are referred to as vasculitides.
Examples of vasculitis:
- Kawasaki disease
- Behcet's disease
- polyarteritis nodosa
- Wegener's granulomatosis
- Cryoglobulinemia
- Takayasu's arteritis
- Churg-Strauss syndrome
- giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis)
- Henoch-Schönlein purpura
Vasculitis can also accompany infections (such as hepatitis B), exposure to chemicals (such as amphetamines and cocaine), medications, cancers (such as lymphomas and multiple myeloma) and rheumatic diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus).
Organ Systems that are Affected and their Symptoms
- Skin – variety of rashes, most classic is purplish-red spots called palpable purpura
- Joints – range from full–blown arthritis to aches in the joints without obvious swelling (arthralgias)
- Lungs – cough (particularly coughing up blood), shortness of breath, a pneumonia–like appearance to a patient's chest X–ray, lung "infiltrates" and the development of cavities in the lungs
- Kidneys - red blood cells (usually invisible to the naked eye), clumps of red blood cells, and loss of protein in the urine. May lead to renal insufficiency and the requirement of dialysis.
- Gastrointestinal tract - abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, perforation of the intestines
- Blood - anemia (low hematocrit or red blood cell count) and/or a slightly elevated white blood cell count
- Sinuses, nose and ears - chronic sinus congestion and “infections” that persist for longer than they should; hearing loss; inflammation of the nasal septum, sometimes resulting in a perforation or collapse of the bridge of the nose
- Eyes - may affect either blood vessels to the eyes, causing the sudden loss of vision, or small blood vessels within the eyes, leading to retinal problems, thinning of the sclera (the white part of the eyes), inflammation within the eye's different chambers and conjunctivitis (“pinkeye”)
- Brain - headaches, strokes, changes in mental status, difficulty with coordination
- Nerve - shooting pains in the arms and legs, numbness and asymmetrical weakness (i.e., weakness that involves one side of the body more than the other)
The symptoms of vasculitis also depend on the particular blood vessels that are involved by the inflammatory process. Common systemic symptoms of vasculitis are:
- Fever
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Fatigue (tiredness)
- General aches and pains
- Nerve problems, such as numbness or weakness
The main goal of vasculitis treatment is to reduce inflammation in the affected blood vessels and improve the function of affected organs. This usually is done by reducing or stopping the immune response that causes the inflammation.*
*From The Johns Hopkins Vasculitis Center
Magnetic Spot Comfort Kit
- Neodymium Spot Magnets for those hard to reach areas
- Measures in excess of **12,000 gauss each
- Used for deep penetration
- 3 different sizes
- Clad in a tough nylon waterproof shell with bio-north to the body
- Penetrates 6 times deeper than similar technology
- Ideal and convenient for neck, back, shoulder, elbow, knee, and foot placement, as well as sore throats and those hard to reach spots where wraps are not convenient
- Causes vasodilation of the blood vessels
- Improves blood flow
- Provides additional energy to improve the body’s natural ability to heal
Essiac Tea – for its anti-inflammatory effect
NHS Magnetic/Infra-red Sleep System - consisting of a magnetic mattress pad, a space age foam Magnetic Pillow and a special Comforter, which has Far Infra-red properties for acid neutralization.
- Research indicates that a magnetic field improves circulation, allowing for improved recovery from discomforts, and better overall body functioning. (This can be confirmed though a simple demonstration outlined on pg.15 of our catalog).
- The far-infrared materials in the sleep system help neutralize acids (i.e.: toxins) within the body to maintain proper pH (slightly alkaline). Acidity in the body can cause discomfort, and can raise the chances for disease to take hold.
- Studies and our experience have shown that people sleep more soundly with this system, and ultimately require less time in bed (usually about ½ hour less).
Filtered Water – to eliminate the disinfection byproducts of chlorine
NHS Ortho-Flex Supplement (w/Cetyl Myristoleate)
- Natural Anti-inflammatory – for joints, soft tissue, & organs
- Joint Lubricant – helps w/ stiffness
- Natural Immune System Modulator – balances immune system to help it distinguish between good cells and bad cells that should be attacked. Body repairs more effectively.
- Relieves discomfort
Natural Omega Complex - modifies inflammatory and immune reactions, making omega-3 fatty acids potential therapeutic agents for inflammatory and autoimmune diseases
Nature Shield – an exceptional product containing 13 species of mushrooms, all having immune boosting properties
Reference Resources:
Magnet Therapy by William H. Philpott, M.D., and Dwight K. Kalita, Ph. D.
Magnet Therepy, The Pain Cure Alternative, by Ron Lawrence,, M.D., Ph.D., and Paul J. Rosch, M.D., F.A.C.P.
Alternative Medicine, The Definitive Guide, by Burton Goldberg