NHSC recommendations for Kidney Function Problems
Primary recommendations:
MagFiltered Water – This unique water filtration system features a strong magnetic field which breaks long molecular chains of water molecules into much smaller ones.
- This improves the ability of water to get into your body’s cells with necessary nutrients, and back out with waste products.
- It also makes it easier for the kidney to remove waste products from your blood stream because the molecular groups are much smaller.
- Removes chlorine and all sediments (Chlorine is a significant drying agent).
PowerStride Magnetic shoes inserts - Research and personal experience indicate that they increase blood circulation, especially in the lower body. They also provide:
- Significantly increased balance/stability
- At least 15% more overall body strength.
- Beneficial effects on neuropathic pain (i.e.: neuropathy), should that be a problem.
Magnetic Sleep System consisting of a Magnetic Mattress Pad, Magnetic Pillow, and Infra-red Comforter.
- Research indicates that a magnetic field improves circulation allowing for improved recovery from aches & pains, and better overall body functioning and recovery.
- Infrared materials in the sleep system help neutralize acids within the body to maintain proper pH (slightly alkaline). Acidity in the body can compromise the immune system and raise the chances for disease.
- Studies and our experience have shown that people sleep more soundly with this system, and ultimately require less time in bed.
NHS Garlic Complex Supplement
- Thins the blood slightly to improve circulation
- Detoxifies the body and the circulatory system
- Boosts immune function
- Contains Blue-Green Algae, which provides significant Phyto-Nutrient Support.
Kidney Testimonials
Mattress Research
“Water can make or Break your health”
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The Natural Health Solutions Center’s recommendations are not meant as a substitute for advice from your doctor. If you have a serious or potentially serious health problem, please see a doctor. You may wish to use these suggestions in addition to the treatment prescribed by your doctor; if so, it is best to do so with his or her knowledge.